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Showing posts from November, 2020

Do You Have What It Takes To Intelle Brain The New Facebook?

Intelle Brain   The brain contains everything that makes us who we are. This comprises not only every talent and skill, but also the records of all our experiences, hopes and dreams, the friendships and achievements that give meaning and purpose to our lives. It's no wonder then, that with every little 'brain hiccup' - forgetting a name, losing our car or house keys (again), a sudden losing streak in our Bridge or Mahjong game - we see our lives slipping away. In fact, many people fear losing their memories more than death itself. The good news is that although the brain does shrink with age, its remaining capacity is very large. Even with age, most brains can still learn and add new stores of information. Moreover, there are techniques that show you how to increase brain power and maximize your mental abilities. You can train your brain and improve the efficiency of your memory, whatever your age. How to increase brain power - Age and Experience The common saying 'You